Our graduates will have the opportunity to participate in a “Senior Cruise” THIS Saturday night (May 23rd) departing the Kmart parking lot at 7 p.m. thanks to the City of Kenton. Details regarding the cruise route will be available in the Kenton Times as well as the City’s website. WKTN will be playing the Senior Cruise Soundtrack on 95.3 FM. Students can request their favorite songs to play through a link provided to our Seniors via email this week. Be on the lookout for banners downtown along the cruise route.
Kenton City Schools has rented one of the few remaining Drive-In Theaters in the nation for a celebration of our 2020 Senior’s graduation on Tuesday, May 26th. Every Senior was provided 3 tickets (one ticket admits one vehicle) providing free entry into the theater for the debut of the 2020 Graduation Video beginning at 9 p.m. We will be reserving parking spaces in the front of the theater for our Seniors. The general public is invited to watch the video from home as it will be simultaneously broadcasted on the district Facebook Page, YouTube Channel, and Spectrum local cable access channel 1025. Teachers will welcome the Seniors as they drive-in to receive a program, donated cupcakes, and lots of smiles. Spoiler alert…there will be an outtakes section at the end. Digital access to the video will be emailed to each parent and student. DVD copies will also be provided to any family who makes the request.
Finally, once KCS is permitted to do so, we will be excited to host a 2020 Senior Night at Robinson Field. Graduates will be able to take group cap and gown pictures, group mortar board toss video and pictures, class composite pictures, and potential individual and group yearbook pictures. Food, drinks, music, and games will be provided to allow our Seniors to enjoy being together.