On November 2nd, The Heisman Trophy Trust announced the 2022 School Winners for the Heisman High School Scholarship. From an applicant pool of thousands of high school scholar-athletes graduating with the class of 2023, more than 5,700 have been named School Winners in the Heisman High School Scholarship competition awarded by The Heisman Trophy Trust. Seniors Seth Manns & Abi Temple were selected as the winners of the scholarship from Kenton High School.
School Winners will continue on for the chance to become State Winners, National Finalists or National Winners. State Winners receive a $1,000 college scholarship, National Finalists receive a $2,000 college scholarship and the male and female National Winners will each receive a $10,000 college scholarship.
A complete list of School Winners can be found at https://www.heismanscholarship.com/results/.
The Heisman® High School Scholarship was created in 1994 through a partnership between Wendy’s® and The Heisman Trophy Trust. From its inception, the program has leveraged the reputation of the Heisman Memorial Trophy as a symbol of great ability combined with diligence, perseverance, and hard work.
The Heisman High School Scholarship program extends the Heisman prestige to the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors by celebrating and rewarding outstanding male and female scholar-athletes who understand that the most important victories happen not only on the field, but also in their schools and communities.
Over the past 28 years, the program has honored more than 600,000 of the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors and provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in college scholarships to students and more than a million dollars to high school academic and athletic programs across the country.
The Heisman High School Scholarship program honors the nation’s most accomplished, community-minded high school senior athletes. By inviting male and female students from schools across the country to share their stories of leadership and impact, the program aims to inspire all students to harness their potential, push their limits, and use their talents not only to advance their own futures, but to improve the communities and world around them.