On Friday, November 18th, the 8th graders at KMS enjoyed the opportunity to hear a number of community members speak about a variety of careers. The speakers shared what they liked about their profession, what it entailed, and what training was needed to move into that field. KMS wants to thank the following community members for taking the time to share with our students:
Theron Stout and Shane Turner – Finance – HSLC
Aaron Osborn – Small Business/Landscaping – Aaron’s Landscaping
Toby Brown – Military – USMC
Scott Holbrook – Law Enforcement – Hardin County Sheriff’s Office
Greg Jolliff – Manufacturing/Robotics – Honda
Troy Chiefari – E-Sports – Ohio Northern University
Robin Jones – Floral Designer – Retired from Kroger
Kathy Shephard – Realtor – Oakridge Realty
Sage Rose – MultiMedia – Sage Rose Videography
Trevor Downing – Medical – Health Partners of Western Ohio
Thanks to the following KHS students for KNN that videoed the presentations:
Emliy Pees
Kendal Gibson
Brinley Hites
KMS 8th graders will be participating in job shadowing this coming spring.