11-year-old Kenton student, Steena Dudek, has organized a lemonade stand fundraiser to raise money for student lunch debt at Kenton City Schools.
The event is taking place this Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Kenton Church of Nazarene, located on Jacob Parrott Boulevard. Steena, some of her classmates, and church members will be serving lemonade (with possibly cookies and entertainment) to help pay off school lunch debt that KCS students have incurred.
“We were thankful when we learned of Steena’s mission to help pay off lunch account balances at Kenton Elementary School,” said Regina Comstock, director of food service at KCS. “We have over $1,000 in debt at KES alone and Steena’s proactive entrepreneurial pursuit will go far to help students and families in need.”
“We are so proud of Steena for putting first things first, being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and synergizing to help her peers in need,” said Clint Sneary, associate principal at KES.
Story excerpt provided by The Kenton Times and Joel McCullough. To read the complete story, please visit the Kenton Times.