Kindness Week

We wrapped up Kindness week by making kindness rocks. The students loved painting them. They will finish decorating them on Monday. Then, they will pass them out to someone who shows them kindness.

KES Students learn about Penguins

Although it was a short (and crazy weather week) we still had fun and learn a lot the days we were at school together. We learned about Penguins this week and the students had a great time sharing what they… Read the rest

Lego building in STEM

Last week in STEM, students learned about animals in winter. They played an animal matching game and colored an animal picture. Today, they got to build a Lego structure for animals in winter. They had lots of fun!

Play photos

Students in Mrs. Woodward's 4th-grade class ​acted ​out the exploration of Ohio by British and French ​explorers from 1600-1750. Students enjoyed playing their parts!

Kindness Challenge in Action at KES

Third grade students enjoyed placing some decorations around Kenton Elementary School as they prepared for the Great Kindness Challenge this week. The Crafts with Care Club members in third and fourth grade created decorations to thank Kenton Elementary School’s clinic Read the rest

Kindergarten and their ‘reading buddies’ talk about kindness

Students in Mrs. Gammon's Kindergarten class made cards for their 6th-grade reading buddies. They gifted them a treat with their card.

"My class loves seeing their reading Buddies, and the 6th grade are amazing with them. We talked about kindness… Read the rest


We have been learning about 2D shapes the past week and a half. Today, all the students were given a baggy of food with different shapes. They sorted the food into groups based on the items' shape. Then we called… Read the rest

Math Fun!

We practiced adding three numbers today in math. We used our feet to measure paths and then we added the three numbers together to see how long each path was. The kids did an awesome job and had a bunch… Read the rest

Having Fun Learning!!

This week was a short one but we accomplished a lot! Students helped celebrate a birthday, they listened to the story, “The Snowy Day” and used characters from the story to retell it! We also worked on IXL, practiced making… Read the rest

Line Measurement Fun!

Our class worked on measuring today using our feet! Students has to measure each part of the path and then add the three numbers together. Students synergized and learned the importance of working as a team to correctly measure and… Read the rest