We practiced adding three numbers today in math. We used our feet to measure paths and then we added the three numbers together to see how long each path was. The kids did an awesome job and had a bunch… Read the rest
Author: Kenton Elementary School
This week was a short one but we accomplished a lot! Students helped celebrate a birthday, they listened to the story, “The Snowy Day” and used characters from the story to retell it! We also worked on IXL, practiced making… Read the rest
Our class worked on measuring today using our feet! Students has to measure each part of the path and then add the three numbers together. Students synergized and learned the importance of working as a team to correctly measure and… Read the rest
Today ends the the second nine weeks! I can not believe we are halfway through the year. I am very proud of the class for their hard work. Today they won the rock paper scissors challenge at Town Hall and… Read the rest
Our students finished up their nutrition lessons. They worked together to determine which food groups their breakfast/lunch foods fit into. We discussed that Mrs. Comstock has to plan the school menus by looking at the food groups for the meals… Read the rest
Students have been learning about division of labor, specialization, and comparative advantage in our second unit of economics. Here are some pictures of students determining if production of labor increases or decreases when division of labor is introduced as well… Read the rest
Fifth grade students dissected owl pellets in STEM class today. They located the bones and used charts to identify what types of animals the owl ate. They used this information to determine how the owl fits in a food web.… Read the rest
Santa has a back up plan in case something happens to his sleigh of reindeer thanks to students in Mrs Dilley’s Mon & Tues STEM classes. 

After learning about air resistance, gravity, and drag, students were challenged to design… Read the rest
After learning about air resistance, gravity, and drag, students were challenged to design… Read the rest
This week, we held a D Pod Olympics day. Students traveled to each classroom to compete in games. Also, we held our holiday breakfast. It was a success thanks to all of you that donated items and your time. Santa… Read the rest
We had a great time out our annual holiday breakfast. We had kids eat and eat… Here are some pictures from breakfast!