Kenton High School

Creating Fun Learning Environments

When learning is fun, student growth is limitless. Members of the related services team at KCS are caught in action. Pictured are Ashley Evans (OT), Monica Agner (SLP), Julie Stammen (PTA), and Julie Hammer (OT).
Kenton High School

World Studies Class Today 11/7/23

Students modeled the 3 Estates during the French Revolution today. (Nobility, Clergy, Commoners). The Nobility/King and Clergy relaxed while the commoners worked. (Drawing bushels of wheat for candy). Occasionally, the commoners are taxed (Starbursts taken away) and given to the… Read the rest
Kenton High School

KHS Lake of Lights Display

Students from several different classes and grade levels worked on painting the display.
Kenton High School

Kenton High School Students Tour Precision Strip

Kenton High School students in the Career-Based Intervention (CBI) program toured the Precision Strip plant in Kenton recently. This was a great opportunity for the students to be introduced to the type of jobs that are available in their own… Read the rest
Kenton High School

Veterans Day Breakfast at Kenton High School

The Kenton FFA Chapter and JROTC will be hosting a Veterans Day Breakfast on November 10, 2023 from 7-8 am in the Kenton High School Gymnasium. Veterans are asked to RSVP by calling the High School office at 419-673-1286.
Kenton High School

Veteran’s Day Breakfast

The Kenton FFA Chapter and JROTC will be hosting a Veterans Day Breakfast on November 10, 2023 from 7-8 am in the Kenton High School Gymnasium. Veterans are asked to RSVP by calling the High School office at 419-673-1286.
Kenton High School

National Occupational Therapy Day

Please join us in celebrating National Occupational Therapy Day! Today we are saying thank you to Mrs. Julie Hammer and Ms. Ashley Evans for their incredible work in our district!
Kenton High School

Key Club Visits Blanchard Place

Members of the Kenton High School Key Club visited Blanchard Place after school on Tuesday where they played UNO and socialized with residents. The Key Club in an international, student-led organization that builds character and develops leaders. We are very… Read the rest
Kenton High School

Kenton High School Academic Awards Banquet

The Kenton High School Academic Awards Banquet was held the evening of October 24. One hundred students received either an academic letter, a 2nd year, or 3rd year pin. In order to receive this recognition, current sophomores had to achieve… Read the rest
Kenton High School

Food Drive

Kenton High School will be hosting our annual food drive November 13-17.  This week, our Homecoming Club helped by making posters to hang around the school to encourage students to participate. Thanks so much to our club members for all… Read the rest