Kenton High School

Christmas Movie Night

One week down one week to go until Christmas break. We celebrated our corp with dinner and a movie at the KMS auditorium last night. Michael Angelo’s pizza and Red One. Thank you to Mr. Cameron, Michael Angelo’s and KCS
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Kenton High School

Credit Score Talk

Matt Manns from Superior Credit Union spoke to our seniors this morning on the importance of Credit Score, how to establish Credit Score, and the effect Credit Score has on future plans.
Kenton High School

Locker Room Facility Construction Progressing

Construction of Kenton City School's new locker room facility is progressing at Robinson Field. The locker room building sits South of the scoreboard at Robinson Field.

“The vision for putting the locker room off of Columbus Street is we want Read the rest

Kenton High School

Courthouse Trip – Mock Trial

Two classes of Kenton High School freshmen conducted a mock trial at the Hardin County Courthouse on Friday, 11/22 as their final project over The Lord of the Flies. A book character was charged with 2nd degree murder, voluntary Read the rest
Kenton High School

KHS Participates in a Food Drive

Kenton High School participated in a food drive this week to support members of the community. In the picture below are Freshmen Student Council members (President- Emalyn Bauknecht, VP- Luke Hougendobler, Treasurer- Geneva Norris, Secretary- Andrea Escobar). All of the Read the rest
Kenton High School

Wildcats Honor Veterans this Veteran’s Day

Kenton City Schools students have had a full day honoring our nation's veterans this Veteran's Day. The Kenton JROTC and Kenton-OHP FFA started their day with a veterans breakfast at Kenton High School. Kenton Middle School students heard from KHS… Read the rest
Kenton High School

KHS Academic Awards Celebration

On Monday evening, students of Kenton High School were recognized for their exceptional academic achievement during the 2023-2024 school year. These students demonstrated not only academic excellence but also commitment, discipline, and resilience in order to achieve their goals. 

Senior… Read the rest
Kenton High School

KHS Student Contributes to T-Shirt Design

Anna Coon, a senior at Kenton High School, assisted with the logo design on the T-shirt given to all academic award winners Monday evening at the high school. 

Kenton High School

Pop Art – Food Packaging

Mrs. Grubbs Art Foundations classes recently completed a Pop Art - Food Packaging unit. As you can see, the display case is resembling a vending machine. 

Kenton High School

Kenton High School Veterans Day Breakfast