Kenton Elementary School

Paper Playground

Students ​studied ​forces in STEM class ​recently.  They ​listened to the story, "The Recess Queen," studied our playground and ​used that information to construct ​their own model  of a playground using construction paper and paper rolls.  Their creativity can be… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

More fun at school!

Did you know KES has an amazing resource officer who plays with your kids pretty regularly?! Well, we do! Check out the fun Officer Bowman had with your kids over the last few weeks!

Thank you Officer Bowman for putting… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

KES Teacher Selected to Present at State Math Conference

Kendra Hale has been selected as a break-out session co-presenter at the upcoming Ohio Council of Teachers of Math (OCTM) state math conference. 

"Presenting at a state or national conference is one way educator leaders demonstrate their commitment to their… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

KES Announces October Leadership Award

 October Leadership Award 2022

Character Trait –  Responsibility: The quality of being dependable

Habit – Begin With the End in Mind: Have a plan

Willa Dudek, Quentin Wright, Caroline Henson, Norah Howard, Haylee Yoder, Ezra Smith, Lilah Asman, Emily Todd,
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Kenton Elementary School

School Custodian Appreciation Day

A clean school is a safe and happy school. No one understands that more than our hard-working team of custodians. Spread across two shifts, they make sure staff and students have a clean environment through the day, and walk in… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

Volleyball in PE

5th-grade students have been working the past two weeks on spiking and serving! These can be some challenging skills to learn at first but they have done a great job so far. This is our last week of volleyball and… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

Apple Tower Challenge

Students were challenged to build the tallest tower they could using school supplies in Ms. Boone's STEM class. They worked with their group to choose 5 items from the list to make their tower taller than the others.  To be… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

Ancient Egypt

In Miss Erwin’s 6th grade art classes, we are learning about Ancient Egypt and making sarcophagus. These students are in 6 Stauffer, trumpet and tuba band students
Kenton Elementary School

Everyone can be a maker

Mrs Dilley’s 3rd grader STEM students listened to the story, Be A Maker, then learned about the Engineering Design Process. In groups, they got a tub of brain flakes and asked what they could make with their materials? After brainstorming… Read the rest
Kenton Elementary School

Field Trip

We had a great time on our field trip today. We learned about bees, how apple cider is made and the life cycle of a pumpkin. Your child will be bringing home a pumpkin in their book bag today. We
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