This spring, Kenton City Schools District is creating a “Portrait of a Graduate” (POG) document. It will serve as a collective vision that articulates the community’s aspirations for our students taken from community-wide conversations and survey responses as to what a KHS graduate should be able to accomplish, what they should know, and what character traits they will need to succeed in life.
On Thursday, February 18th at 7 p.m., the public is invited to join our virtual Zoom Community Meeting. To attend, register in advance: https://go.kcs.me/pogregistration
During the online Community Meeting, you will participate in group discussions and serve as a guiding voice as to what 21st Century skills that our students need to navigate and thrive in this complex, rapidly-changing world. To learn more about this process and our current District initiatives, visit: go.kcs.me/pog
Whether you can or can’t attend the February 18th Community Meeting, we also seek your immediate input through our Portrait of a Graduate Community Survey: https://go.kcs.me/pogsurvey
Schools across the country have engaged their communities in developing their own Portrait of a Graduate. Kenton City Schools is being guided through this process by Tricia Moore of EnvisionEdPlus.
From the February 18th Community Meeting feedback and survey results, Kenton’s POG Steering Committee will create a final Portrait of a Graduate document that will be shared with the KCS Board of Education and public later this spring.
For more information, please contact Christina Cross, KCS Career Readiness Advisor: [email protected]