The new arrival and dismissal procedures are to begin January 10, 2022
A printable version of these procedures is available.
Arrival and Dismissal Changes Overview |
Buses will load and unload in the front of the building. Car drop-off and pick-up will be in the back of the building. Please be patient as we work on improving this new arrival and dismissal process. Our goal is to alleviate public road access issues and continue to streamline our current system. School Office – Front of Building If you need to visit the school office or Wildcat Health Center between 7:30 – 8:00 A.M., please use the NEW center entrance off Silver Street and park in the front parking lot. Be aware of buses loading and unloading students as you enter the building. Transportation Changes For the safety of the students, please do not wait until the last minute to change your child’s method of transportation. We will not be able to make any transportation changes after 12:00 PM. For any change to a bus tag, please contact Kenton Elementary School. Only one bus pick up and one drop off location is permitted. Permanent changes for pick up/drop off addresses must be made at least three (3) days in advance. The transportation number is (419) 673-0775 extension 6040. If you drop your child off after 8:10 A.M. you must park in front of the building and walk your child into the office to sign them in. The back entrance doors will be locked at this time. |
Car Riders |
The curbside lane in the front of the building is for school buses only! No vehicles are permitted in the Bus Zone. The access road is one way (north to south) during drop off and pick up times Morning Arrival: Students can be dropped between 7:30-8:00 AM. Parents will use Township Road 114. As you approach the entrance, please alternate cars pulling off 114 and onto our concrete drive. Once in the Unloading Zone, students need to exit the car on the driver’s side as quickly as possible. Please make sure your children are sitting on the driver’s side to facilitate movement of the line and ensure their safety. Once your child has exited your vehicle, you may use the right lane to exit if the car in front of you is still unloading. All cars will turn left on the access road to exit onto Silver Street. Afternoon Dismissal: When picking up your child, parents should arrive between 2:25 and 2:55 PM. Please use Township Road 114 to enter the parking lot in the back of the building. Follow the perimeter of the back parking lot and remain in a single line along the curb until you reach the loading zone, which is designated by yellow diagonal painted lines along the sidewalk behind KES. Car riders will line up in the cafeteria until their car arrives at the loading zone. It is essential that the KES Hang Tag be displayed on the rear view mirror so personnel can see the tag number. Students will exit through the back doors and stand behind designated cones supervised by a staff member. Staff members will dismiss students to their cars and help them inside the car on the driver’s side to ensure their safety. All cars will turn left on the access road to exit onto Silver Street. It is important to pull all the way forward and have your students enter on the driver’s side of your vehicle to facilitate movement of the line. Due to safety, security, and privacy reasons, parents picking up their children during the dismissal process are encouraged to remain inside their vehicle. Thank you for your cooperation. |
Bus Riders |
Buses will arrive at KES using the Silver Street Entrance from 7:30-8:00 AM and will unload using the curbside lane in the front of the building. This entrance is for school buses only! No vehicles are permitted in the Bus Zone. |