Local authors, Ashton Stevenson and Chris Conley spoke to Kenton Middle School’s Power of the Pen team coached by Tina Hull. Power of the Pen is an interscholastic writing league founded by Lorraine B. Merrill in 1986. It is a non-profit creative writing program for students in grades seven and eight in Ohio. Ashton Stevenson is the author of Love on the Fireline with two other books in the making. Chris Conley is the author of The 8 Facets of Life and an inspirational columnist for the Kenton Times.
Stevenson & Conley shared their writing journeys, their current publishings, answered student questions, and gave feedback to KMS writers. Power of the Pen will compete at the Northwest District competition on Saturday, January 29th. Pictured are (from left front) Jackson Blue, Jaycob Francis, Jack Whitmer, Presley Rowe and Quintin England; (back) Chris Conley, Katelyn Lowe, Gaia Smith, Trevor Roesner, Gabriel Davidson, Kaylee Thomas and Ashton Stevenson. Not pictured are Mandalee Dyer and Cynthia Rivera.