Front Row (left to right): Grace Collins (12th), Nicole Martinez (12th), Chole Anderson (12th), XIn “Angel” Chen (12th), Ms. Evelyn Belcher, LTC. Chris Fournier.
Not pictured: Chole Myers (10th), Kinsely Furr (10th).
On Thursday May 14th, Kenton High School’s W!N International Club took a field trip to German Village and The North Market in Columbus. Fourteen club students toured the German Village neighborhood and learned the history of the German influence in Columbus. Residents of the neighborhood discussed the importance of historic preservation in the area. Some of the sites visited included: the historic Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, and the original Saint Mary’s German School. Both sites were constructed in the late 1800’s and preserved by the German Village Society in Columbus. The group finished their day at the North Market where they had the selection of over 30 different styles of authentic international foods.
The KHS W!N International Club is one of 36 clubs, such as Cooking, Prom Planning, Hunting, and Volleyball, offered to KHS students. All students at KHS participate in the W!N (What’s Important Now!) leadership program which meets weekly on Mondays. On alternating Mondays, students report to either a “club period” or an “advisory period” in which students learn about R-Factor leadership skills.
The goal of W!N program is for students to develop better connections with each other and the staff at school while also learning a new hobby and life lessons. Kenton High School’s W!N progam was launched last spring under the leadership of then-KHS Principal/ now-Superintendent Chad Thrush and KCS Career Readiness Advisor Christina Cross. Students enjoy the opportunity to belong to new clubs each semester. The W!N program will continue into the coming school year with some new adjustments to the advisory side of the program.
Each semester, students enjoy the opportunity to belong to new clubs . Prior to each semester, students are placed in one of their top 3 club choices. Staff members oversee clubs of approximately 8 to 15 students.
The mission of the International Club is to promote cultural awareness and exchange by “traveling” around the world and studying different countries. This spring, the club was let by LTC. Chris Fournier and English Language Learner (ELL) Tutor Evelyn Belcher both of whom have lived abroad and speak several languages including Spanish and French. “Through this club we have opened the eyes of our students to a bigger world and the possibility of traveling overseas as well as the importance of being a member of a global society,” said Ms. Belher.
Students in the spring semester club selected and studied countries of Djibouti, Portugal, Guatemala, Brazil, and Equatorial Guinea. For each country, students gave presentations on food, government, tourism, language, and fashion. The presentations were also accompanied by a popular meal from each location.
LTC Fournier said, “They have learned about passports, the joys and challenges of traveling and living abroad, and even potential careers in international arena.” Senior Grace Collins reflected on her experience. “Being in International Club was an absolute blast. All of us were super passionate about learning about different countries and teaching others about what we learned. We bonded together as a group and my fellow classmates.” Grace also noted, “It has even pushed me towards pursuing a future career in foreign language.”
“The International Club is just one example of how the W!N clubs have broaden our students’ world view and deepened their cultural awareness and sensitivity toward others. They are not only developing leadership skills in clubs, students are exploring possible hobbies and careers,” added Christina Cross, W!N Program Director and KCS Career Readiness Advisor.
Questions or follow-up, please contact:
Christina Q. Cross
Kenton City Schools Career Readiness Advisor, WCC Internship Coordinator & W!N Program Director
[email protected]