On July 13, 2020, the Hardin County Schools, Midwest Regional Educational Service Center, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, and the Hardin County Board of DD, met with the Hardin County Health Department to create a reopening plan for school districts. This … Read the rest
Kenton High School’s new “Maker Space” will help students explore their passions and become #CareerReadyCats #FutureReadyCats. #InquireDreamExcel
“Kenton High School Principal Chad Thrush has been searching for something to engage more students so they want to feel part of the … Read the rest
BOE Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2020
BOE Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2020.
Although the Kenton City Schools Board of Education plans to meet in person for the July BOE meeting, we will be providing the live stream for anyone who wants to view, attend … Read the rest
Today the Hardin County School districts, including: Ada, Hardin Northern, Kenton City, Ridgemont, and Upper Scioto Valley, in collaboration with the Midwest Regional Service Center, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, Hardin County Board of DD, and the Hardin County Health Department, … Read the rest
The Kenton City Schools will be proposing a later start date for the 2020-2021 school year at the July Board of Education meeting. Students would start one week later on August 19, 2020. This allows the school district to have … Read the rest
The end of the 2019-2020 school year was unlike anything we have ever experienced. All across our town, state, and country, unprecedented challenges arose. For our show choir program, one of those challenges was the task of putting together our … Read the rest
BOE Meeting Agenda for June 15, 2020
Virtual meeting will be viewable on YouTube.
Join us as we celebrate the graduating class of 2020 with the premiere of their graduation video! The video will go live at 9 p.m.!