Here is the BOE Special Meeting Agenda for March 3, 2020.

This seminar is intended for adults and parents of teens & young adults to inform and help identify areas where parents can take an active role in informing their teens about online safety, online security, real threats facing online and … Read the rest

On Tuesday, February 25th, our students will participate in the following designated by class:
Freshman — Team Building & Leadership Activities at KHS
Sophomores — Field Trip to Marion OSUM and Marion Tech
Juniors — ACT at KHS
Seniors — Job … Read the rest

Announcing the “Senior Job Shadow Photo Contest!”
Seniors snap (a school appropriate!) selfie at your job shadow on Tuesday, February 25th and post it to Twitter with hashtags: #CareerReadyCats #FutureReadyCats #KHSJobShadow
Or, email your photo to Mrs. Cross ([email protected]) for … Read the rest

Wildcat Career Closet
KNN Students recently had fun modeling pieces of business attire that they found in the Wildcat Career Closet in the KHS Media Center. This video clip will air on an upcoming episode of KNN (Kenton News Network) to bring awareness … Read the rest